Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Week 36.5: Whew! We've made it!

  We had our weekly appointment with Kathleen (midwife) today and finally got good news! After telling me that she thought that "real" labor would be completely different for me, and that I would know when I was really, really in active labor, she checked me and announced that I am almost completely thinned out and 1cm dilated! And the angels rejoiced! After feeling since Sunday that Sam would probably come in the next two weeks* (max), it was such a blessing to be affirmed. More than anything, it makes the pains I'm having now much more manageable since I know the time really is finally near.

  Consequently, I've apparently worked my last day. I had to call in today as the closer I got to work the closer together my contractions were. Praise God, my boss was very understanding and even reassuring! It feels a little bit like I had the rug pulled out from under me, not knowing that last Friday was my last day working, but I'm also very glad to have the extra time to put our new home in order.

  David and I can't believe that we really are about to meet our little man. We are so thankful that very soon we won't have to imagine any longer what he looks like. Holding him in our arms seems like a dream (especially since my belly is so large now it has its own gravitational pull).

  So now we wait and pray and rest in God's perfect timing. We (I) appreciate prayers especially for the upcoming labor, that it would be manageable and swift and, above all, a time of peace and worship for our family.

*For those of you throwing showers for me in the next two weeks, believe me: Sam and I have had talks. Little Bit takes after his father, though, apparently and seems to already have a flare for the dramatic. It's out of my hands and in God's. (And if I find someone praying he waits, I will hunt them down, hang them by their toenails from the tallest tree and pelt them over-ripe peaches.)

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