Monday, December 17, 2012

Le Miserable

  It's 9:15pm and The Toot is already in bed. Don't worry, folks, he'll wake up again in thirty minutes and let me know he's not quite done eating for the night.

  It was a rough day. After praising my son publicly - not boasting or bragging, but truly just appreciating - all weekend on how "well" he was doing with teething, he decided to show me. Still no fever, no runny nose, but a buttload of whining. And fussing. And demanding to be held. Held. Held. HELD.
  Chewing on my hand wouldn't suffice. Cold things are a no-no (so I guess we're not really desperate yet, are we?). Oragel and natural remedies did nada. And boy, don't even get me started on the drool.
  To add insult to injury, David and I agreed to cut off our Cable (goodbye, Time Warner devil-people!) after deciding it was an unnecessary expense - and they cut it off today. In the middle of the day. With my baby crying, and demanding to be held and thereby eliminating my ability to find entertainment elsewhere. The horror!
This is The Toot falling asleep mid-cry

  Also, he's apparently hit a growth spurt, so mama couldn't keep up with the boy's appetite. The kid's a hoss.

  I did three loads of laundry. I changed the sheets. I put away groceries that had been sitting out since yesterday (judge me - I dare you). I made a Pinterest recipe - with a baby wrapped around me. And (cue the angels singing) I scrubbed the tub! Feeling guilty for judging me now, aren't you?

1 comment:

  1. Haha! My favorite way to clean a tub is to use a mop. Who says you have to bend over and get gross? Also, the only thing that has worked for Ilse's teething has been AB Otic drops, the same kind they give you for an ear infection. They are MARVELOUS. I never leave home without them. And one day for laundry is pretty dang good, if you ask me.
